ACUPUNCTURE- uses very small thin needles inserted into certain points of the body utilizing the nervous system to stimulate a positive response that can aid in correcting imbalances in the body.
HEBRAL THERAPY- is one of the primary modalities used in Traditional Chinese Medicine/TCM. It is an ancient holistic health practice based on the principles of TCM using herbal formulas or customized herbal formulas based on the patient’s individual patterns to promote healing and wellbeing and to address specific health concerns.
ELECTRICAL STIM- involves sending electrical currents through the skin and into muscles helping to reduce pain, strengthen muscles, and stimulate tissue healing.
LOW LIGHT LASER THERAPY- uses Infrared/red light on the surface of the skin, photons are absorbed by mitochondrial chromophores in skin cells allowing for electron transport, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nitric oxide release; also increasing blood flow, oxygen, and diverse signaling pathways get activated allowing for increased tissue repair and healing.
EAR SEEDS- it is a form of auricular/ear therapy using a small round 2mm x 2mm varccaria seed or various metal such as stainless, gold, silver, titanium, or magnetic ball on a small adhesive bandage on placed certain points of the ear using acupressure to stimulate the points.
TUI NA MASSAGE (Tui/pushing and Na/grasping)- is one of the oldest hands-on therapies used by approximately 1/5th of the world today. It is considered the needless acupuncture. It is a traditional Chinese therapeutic form of massage using techniques such as: pressing/an fa, kneading/rou fa, wiping/ma fa, round rubbing/mo fa are just a few of the many different techniques that can be used.
GUA SHA- involves scraping the skin with a massage tool such as a ceramic soup spoon, jade, or stainless steel to stimulate microcirculation increasing blood flow to the soft tissue.
CUPPING- involves suctioning the skin with cups that are usually made of glass, ceramic, bamboo cups, or plastic to improve blood flow, boost immune function, and reduce pain.
MOXA- a therapy which consists of burning dried mug wort/moxa typically rolled into a cigar size roll or shaped into a cone and held over or placed on particular points on the body to help promote the body’s healing by warming and increasing circulation.
NUTRITIONAL THERAPY- utilizing traditional Chinese medicine theory, it is one of the primary modalities used based on the patient’s Chinese medicine differential pattern diagnosis and seasonal considerations.